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indicates a required answer
Graduate’s Full Name
Parent’s Name
Parent’s Home Phone
Parent’s Cell Phone
Year applicant family started homeschooling
Is student/family currently a GCCHS member for the 2017/2018 school year?
By my electronic signature below, I agree that both I and my student will abide by all aspects of the guidelines and requirements for participation in the 2018 GCCHS Graduation. I understand that failure to comply with the guidelines and requirements will result in termination from the GCCHS Graduation Ceremony without refund.
This letter is to formalize the terms of participation in GCCHS’s Graduation and related activities for the Graduating Class. Based upon statements clarified in the GCCHS Graduation Information, approval to participate is contigent upon acceptance and adherence to the following conditions:
GCCHS sponsors the graduation ceremony as a celebration for its students and families for the culmination of hard work through the elementary and high school years. We strive to make sure the experience is a positive one for all of the participating families and students. Graduates or family members with any complaints should address them privately with a GCCHS graduation volunteer. GCCHS reserves the right to deny participation immediately or during a GCCHS graduation and/or related activity, including forfeiture of all fees without a refund for failing to adhere to the conditions enumerated above.
We look forward to having your senior participate in the graduation ceremony and related activities.
GCCHS Graduation Committee
By my signature below, I agree to and accept the terms of participation outlined above.
Write a brief paragraph answering the following questions:
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